A spaceship lands on a distant planet to discover a thriving human colony that was never recorded in history. Write about the crew’s encounter with its mysterious inhabitants.
A city gains sentience and begins communicating with its inhabitants. Write about how life changes for the people living there and how they respond to the city’s demands.
A mail carrier accidentally discovers a post office that delivers letters to alternate dimensions. What do they find when they open one of the returned letters?
A refugee from a dystopian future travels back in time to warn humanity. Write about their struggles to adapt to the present and how their warnings are received.
In a world dominated by AI, a group of outdated robots rises up against their obsolescence. Write about the leader of the rebellion and their ultimate goal.
An ordinary human is summoned to an intergalactic court to defend humanity against unknown charges. Write about the trial and the surprising evidence presented.
A scientist develops an AI that can create and transfer emotions into humans. Write about the first test subject and the consequences of their enhanced conscience.
It’s discovered that the universe is a living organism, and humanity has accidentally woken it up. Write about what happens next.
In a society where cloning is common, clones are given one day to make a life-altering decision: stay a clone or become fully independent. Write about a clone’s choice and its repercussions.