Think back to a moment when your perspective on life shifted dramatically. Describe what happened and how it impacted you.
Write about a meal that holds a special memory for you. Who were you with, and why was it significant?
Reflect on an object you’ve kept for years. What does it symbolize, and why do you hold onto it?
Imagine seeing yourself through the eyes of someone you met briefly in the past. How would they describe you?
Choose a song that reminds you of a specific moment in your past. Write about the memory it evokes.
Write about a promise you made to yourself or someone else and how you managed to keep it.
Think back to a time when you failed at something important. What did you learn from the experience?
Describe a home from your past. How did it shape your identity, and how do you feel about it now?
Think about advice someone gave you that you didn’t follow. Reflect on what happened and what you learned from it.